Saturday, March 21, 2015

Abstract Works

My abstract exploration never ends. When I can't sleep at night I consider design, 2 and 3d, colour, balance, shape and a other ideas that may result in a work.
Sometimes in the day I may catch a glimpse of something that wasn't what I thought it was and this will lead to a work or even a body of work.
When I was younger I would create small sculpture but never abstract. I'm currently excited about form, shape and colour and its combined effect on the viewer.

Untitled - Acylic on canvas, 40" x 30" - 2015

Here is a new sculpture I have been working on. The initial design is made from cedar painted with acrylics. I will do a limited edition of 10 made with MDF

NO 101 - Cedar with acrylic, 12" x 24" x 9", Edition of 10 to be created in MDF signed & numbered

NO 101 - Cedar with acrylic, 12" x 24" x 9", Edition of 10 to be created in MDF signed & numbered

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Welcome to My Blog

Welcome to my blog where I will share my artwork, my techniques and promote my works.

Red Canoe - acrylic on panel, 2014 - 48" x 24"

I'm an artist practicing landscape, abstract and sculpture from a child on throughout my life. I attended formal art school in the early 1970's but dropped out but still utilize the lessons some of my excellent instructors gave me.

Fortunately I travel a lot and experience many beautiful places. My interests lie in a variety eclectic subjects. Living in scenic western Canada I also am fortunate enough to have a cottage in north eastern Ontario. Playing guitar and mandolin are also interests of mine.

I hope never to be boring or say things that offend. Sharing my perspective and tips on art will hopefully be of use to other artists and people who are interested in painting.

Funny how I like to paint western scenes when I'm in the east and visa versa when in the west.



Acrylic Works from Columbia Icefields Parkway, Alberta, Canada

I was once very intimidated in painting the Canadian Rockies. They are so vast and complex in their structure, color and shapes. I prefer to paint the mountains when they have weather patterns over them. It makes them so much more interesting and ominous.

When I get a good image I like to paint it more than once. Often I will make a sketch and take a photograph of the scene. I'll then work it up at home or on the road.

I also do the subject in watercolor as well as acrylic. Often being out in the wild one thing I do is check for bears, especially grizzly. I have passed them many times on the roads I travel.

These are some acrylic sketches from along the Columbia Icefields Parkway completed this past summer:

North Saskatchewan River, 2014 - Acrylic on canvas panel - 12" x 9" 
Next just south of Jasper Alberta

Athabasca River, 2014 - Acrylic on canvas panel - 12" x 9"
Just north of Saskatchewan River Crossing

Saskatchewan River, 2014 - Acrylic on canvas - 10" x8"
Moving towards Lake Louise

Bow Lake, 2014 - Acrylic on canvas panel - 12" x 9"
I will post watercolour examples of these in my next post.

Thanks for your interest.